When I was in junior high school, I decided I would learn to play chess. It was sort of a fad sweeping the eighth grade. I thought the best way to learn the game was to play with another classmate who already knew the game. I figured chess couldn’t be much more complicated than checkers. After all, they were played on the same board. I knew the basic pieces and how they moved. It looked like fun. The other kid slaughtered me. It was checkmate in fewer than 10 moves every time we played – that is, until I bought a little 50-cent book entitled Chess for Beginners at the local news stand and learned that there was something called “strategy” that was involved in this game. Once I understood the rules and strategy, I rocked! Well, that may be overstating it a bit. At least I didn’t get killed so much.
5 “Gotchas” to Avoid in Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/22/2014 Segment 1
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- Why it’s important to plan ahead to cover unexpected healthcare costs
- Why I think it’s better to voluntarily enroll into your 401k plan than be automatically enrolled
- Why it’s important to understand the investments and fees inside your 401k plan
- The #1 way to avoid housing-related financial hardships in retirement
Image courtesy of kromkrathog at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Special “Old School” Strategies That Can Help You Get The Income You Need in Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/15/2014 Segment 4
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- How to help build wealth despite what the markets are doing
- How to determine how much money you want at risk and how much you want to be safer in retirement
- The #1 reason it’s so important to start planning for retirement today (it could make a huge difference for you)
Image courtesy of worradmu at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
How to Cover Unexpected Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/15/2014 Segment 3
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- The “10 questions” I ask everyone who meets with me (these are not typical financial questions)
- Why Medicare season may be a good time to look at other parts of your retirement plan
- The answer to Patrick Kelly’s question, “Is it better to protect your money when you have all of it still, or is it better to wait until you have half of it to help protect it?”
- How to Help Ensure you Don’t Run Out of Money if you Live Longer Than Expected
Image courtesy of cooldesign at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
How You May be Able to Get a Higher Income Than You Expected to Get in Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/15/2014 Segment 2
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- Why baseball and retirement planning have something in common
- How a couple thought they could only spend $4,000/month, until I showed them they could actually spend $5,300
- What a “floor” is and why you have to determine what YOUR floor is in retirement
- A program I found called “Medishare” and how it has helped me
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Can I Work And Still Collect Social Security?
You’ve been paying tax into the Social Security system for many years now. Every time you receive your paycheck, you look at the stub and your eyes scan to the place where the deductions are spelled out. You grimace. It pains you to think of all of the money you have earned that never reached your bank account or your pockets.
Rest assured you are not alone. American workers across the country go through the same emotions every payday.
On January 1, 2013, a lame duck Congress at the last minute voted to approve legislation that would avoid what the media dubbed the “fiscal cliff,” a catchy term for the conundrum that the U.S. government would face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 were scheduled to go into effect.
5 Reasons Bonds May be Less Safe Than You Think

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/15/2014 Segment 1
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- What a Complimentary Retirement Distribution Strategy Meeting is and how you can get one
- Why it’s critical to have a retirement plan that will help protect against the impending market correction
- How to live the lifestyle you WANT in retirement
- What you should do if you have a bond (things are going to change in the bond market and you have to be prepared)
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
How to Reduce Your Taxes While Increasing Your Income

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/8/2014 Segment 4
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- What you and your spouse should be talking about when it comes to your finances
- What to do with your pension in a low interest rate environment (and how it could effect the income you receive)
- The two places you can get tax-free income or have tax-tree growth
- Why you might want to convert your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA to avoid RMDs
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The Future of Social Security and What it Means to Your Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/8/2014 Segment 3
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- Why there has been a drop in 401k balances for people nearing retirement
- How the new September 18th ruling affected a client with $2.8 million in a 401k (and how it could affect YOU, too)
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Why NOT Paying Off Your Mortgage Completely Could Actually BENEFIT You in Retirement

Retirement Mark Show!
Radio Show 10/8/2014 Segment 2
In this segment, you are going to discover:
- Patrick Kelly’s answer to: “what is one of the biggest hurdles people sometimes face in retirement?”
- Why it’s important to consider the cost of housing in retirement
- How a client got out of paying the extra $196k on his mortgage
- How to get free access to Patrick Kelly’s book “Stress-Free Retirement”
Image courtesy of graur razvan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net